Tivoli Hotel and Congress Center

København ǀ Danmark

Design of a roof landscape
Used products: 1400 m³ Cellular glass gravel

Designing of the roof landscape with GLAPOR cellular glass gravel

The flat roof areas of the Tivoli hotel and congress center (TCC) in the heart of Kopenhagen, which was built in the year 2010, were firstly a challenge. The solution of the case “Tivoli” was a pressure-resistant light weight bed out of cellular glass gravel, which offered as an extra characteristic a free design of the roofareal. So you could use the roofareal for children´s playgrounds, sidewalks and implantations.

Cellular glass gravel is a modern and versatile deployable building material out of sustainable production. Eco-friendly and ressources gentle produced, the product fulfilled the needs the environment protection as well as the energetics of the buildings. Barsmark A/S with the seat in the danish Norresundby, which is specialised to modern building material – official GLAPORpartner in and for Denmark – use the fact for their big projects. One of those projects was the new TCC. Kim Utzen was the responsible architect for the building in the danish design. In the centrum of Kopenhagen stands today a prominent object, which has got over 400 rooms; 27 conference rooms and one own, big congress hall as well as two lecture halls and could receive and take care of over 4.000 guests.

A real problem by the TCC was the meaningful use of the wide areas and therefore with the drab flat roof area in the size of circa five football pitches. After the consideration  of all points, cellular glass the hightech product was the solution. Into the operation came 1.400 m³ of cellular glass gravel from GLAPOR.

Good reasons

At the Tivoli-site a lot of more pros of the cellular glass came to the light: The facility of the cellular glass, which leave more options for the roofdesign open. Also the cellular glass gravel satisfied with his enormous carrying capacity of to 37 tons per square meter. The angular surface of the gravel is good because so the only parts chock together. In case of that it was possible in Kopenhagen to model and use the roofarea reasonable, to build playgrounds and to identify the bearing surface for walker. Cars could drive on the flat area without making damages.

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Cellular glass gravel in action

Before the site starts 15 LKW-loads of cellular glass gravel of the wonderful upper palatinate arrived. At the site the gravel was transported via crane fast and easy on the roof.

A gigantic site: The cellular glass gravel measured a area of 5 football pitches.

Geotextile was the lowest shift to prohibit the entry of foreign substance and to enable a permanent warmth insulation. After that the gravel was used variable in different thicks. After two weeks the construction was finished.

Positive product-characteristic

Gravel out of cellular glass has got a lot of positive characteristics: The product ist waterproof and capillary broken, pest-, frost- and combustible-resistant. “Cellular glass gravel stands also out for the economical side through a attractive price- and benefit relationship”, reported the managing director of GLAPOR Walter Frank. “The products also satisfy with a fast, easy and cost saving in the locally processing.”

From the begin of the producing until the installation cellular glass products stand for a consequent ecological and economical way. Walter Frank: “Our products were tested in each quarter by external experts about the quality, sustainability and issue of shares, so far without any problems.” With air and mineral material mixed and with modern and complete automatically machines foamed, arise a airy mass, which came out as a cable. The following cooling process take place differently and enable so the producing of both products, cellular glass gravel and cellular glass boards.

Out of one hand

GLAPOR offers as the only producer both products – cellular glass gravel and cellular glass boards – out of one hand. That is the base of the harmonly combination between highly compression boards and flexible using gravel at the site. The products are in only a system solution and together is a plurality of innovative variants possible. 

Protection of the ressources and climate protection is on top of GLAPOR. GLAPOR cellular glass scrape in two views: The first is CO2 at the processing and the second is the insulation at the buildings. The solution satisfy not only in Kopenhagen. Cellular glass wins as a innovative and modern hightech-solution for the modern planning- and construction at the daily routine more and more importance.

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