The Bambados in Bamberg is the first indoor swimming pool in Europe, which was built after the passive house standard 2011. This is due on one side to the innovative masterplan of the project and on the other side the selected building- and insulation material. A big contribution by this aspect were the cellular products of GLAPOR.
Fact is: Without high-power, modern insulation material were the project in Saxony passive indoor swimming pool not be realised. In use were only insulation material with an high overal benefit. The products were cellular glass in both variants insulation boards and insulation gravel. Eco-friendly and ressources were produced, fulfilled the cellular glass products the needs of the environment protection as well as the energetic of the project.
The Bambados in Bamberg is the first indoor swimming pool in Europe, which was built after the passive house standard 2011. This is due on one side to the innovative masterplan of the project and on the other side the selected building- and insulation material. A big contribution by this aspect were the cellular products of GLAPOR.
Fact is: Without high-power, modern insulation material were the project in Sachen passive indoor swimming pool not be realised. In use were only insulation material with an high overal benefit. The products were cellular glass in both variants insulation boards and insulation gravel. Eco-friendly and ressources were produced, fulfilled the cellular glass products the needs of the environment protection as well as the energetic of the project.
Insulationvariant 1: Free of shortening cellular glass boards
The constructor and the architect took for the insulation under the floor plate to the construction of free of shortening cellular glass boards. The dimensionally stable boards were also used in the perimeter area of the walls, outside as a holohedral glued warmth insulation against the ground earth outside of the tightening. The executing company was for the installation of the 550 m² cellular glass boards Riedel-Bau GmbH & Co. KG from Schweinfurt.
Insulationvariant 2: Multifunctional cellular glass gravel
Cellular glass gravel proves at the Bambados his multifunctional needs. He came as a bulk freight per LKW “just in time” to the site and was processed without waiting. The cellular glass gravel was used as a light- and fill material for the fill behind the buildings as well as for warmth insulation under the buildingparts. Cellular glass gravel satisfies – next to the excellent insulation values – always then, when supplementary requirements come together. In the passive indoor swimming pool in Bamberg was demand the use of the insulation especially of the cellular glass characteristic high pressure-resistant – 37 tons per square meter – and combustable-resistant.
Award for the masterplan Bambados
In the year 2010 the Bambados-concept got a award in the competition “Building of the future ? Building with energy” the federal ministry for economy and technology. The planning and building of the swimming pool was attend and certified of the Passivhaus-Institut in Darmstadt.
“The operation of the Bambados won´t cost more in the next 25 years, then the old indoor swimming pool at the Margaretendamm.”, knows the managing director of the swimming pool, Uwe Weier. And that by a more service office. The swimming pool costs 32 millions euro and achieves moreover sustainability and forward-looking environmental charge for the city Bamberg and the region. “Gladly we took part at the project”, reported Walter Frank, the managing director of GLAPOR: “Sustainability is always a important and central use in our company philosophy. We stand in the processing for a consequent ecological way with products out of 100% recycled glass and also for the sustainable concepts in the building practice.”