ADAC- head quarter

Munich ǀ Germany

Underground parking ballast
Purchaser: Sauerbruch Hutton
Used Products: 2000 m³ Cellular glass gravel

Cellular glass gravel enables an individual design of the outdoor facility

The new ADAC – head quarter is with his 22 floors in Munich 93 meter high. The building, which was designed by the architectural practice Sauerbruch Hutton, accomodates a place for round 2400 employees, who were until the move-in in the December of 2011 distributed to seven places in Munich. The modern, rolling office building embosses with his modern architecture not only the Munich cityscape, but also satisfies especially the needs and requirements on a modern flexible working environment. These surrounds of course the design of the outdoor facility. Around the building arised a varied area, which react with his form language to the rolling structure.



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In the garden- and landscape building is a new building material, which especially enable technical exigent transaction. As well to the ADAC – area the responsible landscape architect Wolfgang Ritz came across to cellular glass gravel if he had to find a solution for one problem: “The point was in the foyer as well as in the sideward yard with a underground parking below and partly a massive panel thickness, to reduce the possible weight. A calculation showed us, that in either case we had to stint weight. So that a normal bulk freight was not in the question for the wide areas around the building. The classic construction with gravel and road coating would be to grave and thereby the pressure to high.”

Over a research the planers came accross to the innovative cellular glass gravel and decided after conversations with different providers for GLAPOR. Essential regarding to the technical exigences was finally the facility of the cellular glass gravel. Anyway the cellular glass gravel is satified by reason of the strong indentation. The ADAC – area were scored by reason of the different heights in the blanket of the underground parking as well as the natural drainage head between 27 cm and 1,15 m installation height. The result convinces from the view of the garden- and landscape design: A generous area with rolling stage construction, which satisfy the variegated utilisation needs, as well as a grassed area. “Gratitude to the cellular glass gravel busses and LKWs can drive in spite of a extremly high construction the underground parking”, so the planers, who inserted the product meanwhile by other objects, because you can work outcome-oriented with it.

As single business GLAPOR produce cellular glass boards and cellular glass gravel and is satisfied with the combined application his call as a problem solver …… “Our cellular glas gravel established himself more and more and our cellular glass boards are used, if other insulation not longer know, if versatility is asked and more technical needs have to be fulfilled”, reported the managing director Walter Frank, who accompained with consultant Felix Hecht the ADAC-project. About 2000 cubic meter cellular glass gravel make here as light gravel a successful architectural design on the top of the underground parking. In garden- and landscape construction GLAPOR cellular glass gravel convinced by reason of a lot of positive properties: He is – as of the ADAC-object deciding – dimensionally stable by a low weight, allows by an angle of repose with bigger/equal 45°C a free design, is frost-resistant and characterizes by a high site affability. Thereby the planers: “The briefing locally by the producer is essential, because with the certain know how is it easy to work with the material.”

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